Tellurium Q Blue II speaker cable


Warm and forgiving for systems with a slight edge or for those who like a more smooth laid back presentation. Blue II and Ultra Blue II are especially good for AV and home cinema

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Tellurium Q Blue II Speaker Cable

Blue Family

Warm and forgiving for systems with a slight edge or for those who like a more smooth laid back presentation.

Blue II and Ultra Blue II are especially good for AV and home cinema.

Tellurium Q Blue II speaker cable

Tellurium Blue II is the entry level speaker cable that was designed to be the companion to Tellurium Q Black and has been described by one well known manufacturer of speakers as having “good mid, but softer sounding” than the Tellurium Black.

While having great detail and phase control is less revealing of a system than the Black.

HiFi World has described the most noticeable qualities of this cable as being, “a welcome absence of muddle..” and, “a more neutral, focused, precise aura settled on the music.

In fact the Blue cables exhibited a tremendous sense of control; something that I’ve never heard from any cable at this price point.”

A brief history

People have been asking how Tellurium Q® came about and what they are doing to make their products work so differently from what is currently available.

This has caused problems because there are trade secrets and production methodologies that they definitely do not want to share with their competitors.

Sometimes we are too much on the side of caution and that causes reviewers and their distributors a little problem. What do they say? What is the story to give customers, a hook, a reason to listen when there are so many companies claiming big things?

Why should people believe that we have a genuinely different approach? Yes a client can hear this is true within seconds of listening but the big problem is giving people a reason to want to listen having not yet heard the cable.

In the UK this is not such a big problem as more and more people are giving their feedback to their friends and Tellurium Q® is spreading rapidly by word of mouth as much as from the remarkable reviews.

However they can say a little about their background, how Tellurium Q® came about and what they had to do to develop the products. So here goes.

Geoff Merrigan’s official post at Tellurium Q® is director of strategy, however, most people don’t realise his original training was in industrial chemistry (materials etc) and he has kept his passion for science and learning through a range of activities which has given Tellurium Q its unique approach.

An interest in accelerated learning and behavioural modelling led to co-developing the Music Skills System with Simon Lomax where students learn musical instruments at an extraordinary speed.

This project also paved the way to a novel approach to audio cable development, though Geoff did not know it at the time.

In the very early days of Tellurium Q® Geoff made up many of the prototypes himself, building a sizeable number of the cables that customers own.

This experience coupled with his understanding of material science, allowed for an extensive mental-database and thus, the ability to visualise simulations of various materials, configurations and how they would probably behave. A huge short cut to the iterative design of physical cables. The shear volume of work has been made manageable by this ‘mind hack’ shortcut.

The team at Tellurium Q® always have a lot of work in the pipeline and this approach has been invaluable to the cause of delivering coherent and reliable results.


Additional information


2m set, 3m set, 4m set, 5m set


Tellurium Q

Tellurium Q® Came From People have been asking how Tellurium Q® came about and what they are doing to make their products work so differently from what is currently available. This has caused problems because there are trade secrets and production methodologies that they definitely do not want to share with their competitors. Sometimes we are too much on the side of caution and that causes reviewers and their distributors a little problem. What do they say? What is the story to give customers, a hook, a reason to listen when there are so many companies claiming big things? Why should people believe that we have a genuinely different approach? Yes a client can hear this is true within seconds of listening but the big problem is giving people a reason to want to listen having not yet heard the cable. In the UK this is not such a big problem as more and more people are giving their feedback to their friends and Tellurium Q® is spreading rapidly by word of mouth as much as from the remarkable reviews. However they can say a little about their background, how Tellurium Q® came about and what they had to do to develop the products. So here goes. Geoff Merrigan’s official post at Tellurium Q® is director of strategy, however, most people don’t realise his original training was in industrial chemistry (materials etc) and he has kept his passion for science and learning through a range of activities which has given Tellurium Q its unique approach. An interest in accelerated learning and behavioural modelling led to co-developing the Music Skills System with Simon Lomax where students learn musical instruments at an extraordinary speed. This project also paved the way to a novel approach to audio cable development, though Geoff did not know it at the time. In the very early days of Tellurium Q® Geoff made up many of the prototypes himself, building a sizeable number of the cables that customers own. This experience coupled with his understanding of material science, allowed for an extensive mental-database and thus, the ability to visualise simulations of various materials, configurations and how they would probably behave. A huge short cut to the iterative design of physical cables. The shear volume of work has been made manageable by this ‘mind hack’ shortcut. The team at Tellurium Q® always have a lot of work in the pipeline and this approach has been invaluable to the cause of delivering coherent and reliable results.


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